Case Study - Hampshire Hospitals

Case Study – Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust Foundation

After reviewing the documents and a “take off process” we set about developing our TQ’s and forming a relationship with the concept design team. Our technique is to gain valuable commercial information and communicate our client as a quality choice to undertake the project.

Our 1st stage submission was supported by a detailed inclusion list with cost breakdown, we did not use any budget figures

Once through to the 2nd stage tendering process which contained changes to the project we set about finding out exactly what was the client’s needs. This process uncovered non-technical pain points which the client wish to avoid at all costs.

We simply highlighted our solutions to these pain points in our final submission, and focused on them at the selection meeting resulting in the order for the electrical package.

Threshers Case Study

Case Study – Threshers

In a partnership with Threshers the off licence chain and Coke Cola, 1000 off licences country wide were fitted with new POS display fridges to meet the increase in demand generated by the coming world cup. To ensure a smooth installation, All 1000 stores needed surveying to ensure the electrical supply and access for the.